Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hope and Blossoms

Yesterday I saw hope in the form of a blush pink blossom. A dormant part of my soul that had been hibernating through the winter awoke and delighted in the sight. The cherry blossom signaled that spring is fighting its way through the remaining gloominess of the waning winter days, and is just about to emerge victorious.
I stopped dead in my tracks on the sidewalk, exclaiming to myself and those around me "Look! It's a cherry blossom! How beautiful!" After a long, dreary winter, I was so ecstatic to see those delicate flowers cheerily waving at me as they danced in the breeze.
Hello spring, tis so wonderful to see you.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Serena, just like you! Can't wait to read more. Guess I should start writing on mine again... Aunty Megan
